Monday, November 27, 2017

Christmas Guild Meeting

Come along and celebrate Christmas.  We are having a Guild Meeting "with bells on"

Bring some finger food appetizers or desserts (I'm bringing dessert - yum).  Don't forget serving utensils and forks and spoons if necessary.  We already have the plates, napkins and cups for hot beverages.  And of course bring your knitting.
It should be a fun night.
Hoping to see you all on Tuesday December 5th, same time, same place.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Bob Kemp Hospice

The Bob Kemp Hospice runs a bereavement camp every June in Bracebridge.  It is called Camp Erin and 50 children, aged 6-17 attend.  They have all suffered the loss of either a parent, sibling, grandparent, or someone else close to them.  For more information please visit:
 Project Linus has been asked to supply the children with a cuddly blanket as something they could be comforted by.  Because of our Guild's current relationship with Project Linus, we have been asked to be involved in this request.  Your ongoing support of Project Linus is appreciated.  Please continue to give your Project Linus blankets to Jo Ann at our regular meetings.  Your donated blankets will be shared not only with Women's shelters, but also with the children of Camp Erin.  Thank you!!